Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Netherlands

Thursday, May 3

Since we are just sailing we get to sleep in and enjoy a late breakfast. Sharon gives a lecture on Dutch water management and also Dutch painting. I'm a little under the weather so am glad for this low key day.

After lunch we still have some cruising to do. Time to do a little packing. Finally we get to Kindersdijk, which is a windmill field, with UNESCO designation. The day is beautiful. Very unusual weather. We have an excellent guide who explains how the windmills work, how the families lived in them, and their role in controlling the water in the Netherlands. It was fascinating.

When we get back on the ship it is time for the captain's final reception and then the farewell dinner. We sit with the dairy folk from Minneapolis and the Indian folk. They are very fun. Dinner is chateaubriand, along with a gouda cheese soup and shrimp appetizer. We say aloha to ask our new crew friends and hand out tips. They've been the highlight.

Time to finish packing and get ready to be off the ship tomorrow.

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