Friday, May 4, 2018


Friday, May 4

Our bags are out of the room by 8am. We have a last leisurely breakfast. Our Minneapolis friends' plane was canceled. We wonder when they got home.

The Viking people have our cab all arranged and loaded up. Soon we are at our new home on Prisengracht Canal. It is charming and our hosts are very nice. We settle in, then hit the road. We walk thru the Albert Culp market. A big flea market basically. We find a place to eat. Steve has fish and chips and I have a chicken and avocado sandwich. It's all pretty good, esp. with a bier!

Time for the Rijksmuseum. We have our tickets already and so it is easy to get in. On to the Rembrandts and the Vermeers. There is much to see and I have to cruise thru the other floors. After a couple hours we are tired and have a coffee and coke in the cafe.

We walk home via the grocery store and then rest before tackling dinner. We do get in to an Indonesian restaurant. It's delicious. We don't get the rice table but instead get these enormous sampler plates. During dinner at 8pm the entire restaurant has two minutes of silence in honor of those who died in the war. We take the long way home, enjoying the crowded streets and nice weather. We are pooped when we get in. Time for a bath and bed.

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