Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Black Forest

Saturday, April 28

Up at 7am with some difficulty. Breakfast is good, of course. We are on the bus to the Black Forest at 8:35 with a guide who grew up in the area. The drive through the area is very interesting. We stop at a place where we can buy cuckoo clocks (which we do!) And sample Black Forest cake. A bit tourista but we go with it. We drive back thru Freiburg, which looks like a cool city. We have learned about white asparagus, vineyards, and history. 

We are back in time for the safety drill and then lunch. Steve can't resist the burger. I have a turkey salad croissant. We love talking to our new Filipino waiter-friends.

We have time to explore Breisach on our own. We walk up to the church and walk around the town. We take a little rest and then head back up to the church for the 6pm mass. It is very nice, with organ and singer in this very old church.

We are back in time for dinner. Beef tartare and romaine salad. Rack of lamb and moules. Black forest cake and apple tarte. All yummy.

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