Friday, April 27, 2018

On to the River Rhine

Friday, April 27

Time to pack up and leave Basel. Steve cases out the ship's location and it seems easy enough to walk to the pier while rolling our luggage. We are greeted by Norman who takes our luggage. We are shown to our very compact but nice stateroom and then we are treated to a Viking lunch. Totally delicious.

Since we have until 6pm we have time to go to the art museum. the weather is beautiful and we walk part of the way along the river. The museum has a great collection, especially of 15th to 17th Northern European painting.  The collection does go thru the 1950s and has a good number of Picassos.

We walk back to the dock, spending the last of our Swiss francs on Chocolate and Coca-Cola!

We are back on the ship for our cruise orientation. Then it is time for dinner. Also delicious. Steve has a beef sirloin, I have salmon, with great starters of clam chowder and Caesar salad and delicious dessert. Great service and unlimited wine!

The ship pulls out around 9pm. Around 10pm I watch the ship drop through
the locks. Very impressive. A major battle with gnats ends the evening.

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