Sunday, May 6, 2018

Last day in Amsterdam

Sunday, May 6

It's Sunday so it's time to find a church. Not far from us is De Krijtberg Church. The 11am mass is in Latin with Gregorian chant. The church is pretty and the chanting is nice. A woman behind us coughs through the entire mass however.

Time to find some lunch. I am hoping for a Dutch pancake but the place I had looked up doesn't have any seating. So we end up at a French cafe. Lots of good looking food but I order a grilled ham and cheese sandwich with a salad that is just so-so. Steve has an omelet that looks pretty good. And the hot chocolate is to die for.

Last chance to explore the city so we start at the Flower Market. Lots of bulbs and lots of trinkets. But you can't take any of the bulbs into the US so we do a lot of looking but not buying. Then we discover the Rembrandtplein, and the Dam. It has ended up being a very warm and sunny day. We are tired of walking so decide to take a canal cruise to see the city from a different vantage point and also sit down. It's warm but a good way to end our stay in Amsterdam. We see the harbor and some of the canals and see some of the old architecture.

Back to the apartment to get ready to leave tomorrow. We pretty much pack up and Uber has been contacted. Time for dinner. We head to a Thai restaurant on that busy street that we saw last night. The food is good and fulfills my desire for Thai food. After dinner it's time for a walk to the crazy Red Light District. Then home to bed so we can get up early to leave for the airport.

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