Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Cruising the Rhine to Koblenz

Tuesday, May 1

We have a relaxed morning as we get to sleep in because the boat doesn't sail until 9am. Breakfast is leisurely and I order some french toast with bacon while waiting for Steve.

Today is all about seeing the middle Rhine with its castles and quaint towns. Unfortunately it is cold and windy on the deck but some of us brave it. The ship is great by providing blankets and spiked hot chocolate. The views are lovely. Exactly what one expects. We pull into Koblenz at noon just in time for lunch.

Afternoon is a bus and walking tour of Marksburg castle. Terrain is rough and it is hard to tell what period we are supposed to be looking at, but interesting nonetheless. At the top are lovely views of the river valley.

We get back with enough time to walk Koblenz a little. There is an interesting history memorial, a huge statute at the confluence of the Mosel and the Rhine, and we finally come onto a lovely church and a quick organ concert.

Tonight is the German buffet. Heidi and Klaus are our waiters. Food is plentiful, all accompanied by German accordion music. We eat with a couple from Phoenix.

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