Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The trip to Basel

Wednesday, April 25

A last German breakfast, then we check out of our room and have time to do a little shopping. We buy a miniature Hotel Spitzweg, pick up sandwiches, and visit a medieval house. We see the night watchman outside a shop so talk with him.

Time to hit the road as we are worried about construction backlogs. The autobahn is pretty easy and we drive awhile then stop for gas and lunch. It's windy so we eat in the car. Gas fillup costs about $75!

We do hit some delays. Trucks have to stay on the right so in some places there is a very long line of trucks. But we've allowed enough time so pull into Karlsruhe around 4. We can't find a gas station so can't top the tank off. Now we need to return the car, always a challenge. It takes a while to find the right procedure but a gentleman in the DB office was so helpful. We have to drive the car around the station and again with his help we locate the Hertz parking place. We have about an hour before the train, which is about 20 minutes late. Enough time for a pretzel!

The train arrives and we have to figure out where our seats are and where to put our luggage. That done we sit back for the hour and a half long ride. We hop off the train at Basel Bad and now have to get Swiss cash and find a taxi. We get to our place and find our host and get a quick tour. We are off for dinner but can't find much in our area and nothing is cheap so we grab some Indian food and take it back to the apartment. It does the trick.

There's a nice tub in the bathroom but you can't use it after 9pm!

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